Friday, August 7, 2015

Setting out...

I've got that tingly feeling of adventure as I start setting out on the road to full-time teaching. It's funny how even if something is good excitement, I will get that anxious tension all over my body waiting for every part of me to adjust to the change.

This summer, I've gotten three of my Master of Arts classes under my belt with 4.0 GPAs. At the start of every class, I get my stomach in knots worrying over assimilating all of the information and being able to apply it.  By the end of the class, I've gotten into a groove of learning, knowing, doing and I don't stress about it anymore.

So far I've been on two teaching interviews, both of them were this week.  Both wound up being panel interviews. The first one knew they wouldn't meet the deadline for the school board meeting so they weren't stressing over speedy hiring. It seemed to go super well - I found myself over-analyzing the handshakes. The principal gave me a double-handing long handshake with patting of the top hand. Ha ha.  Anyhow I was forewarned that it would take a few days to hear about that one. "Phone calls are good, letters are bad" I was told. Meanwhile, I had played phone tag with a principal who wanted to talk to me about a middle school technology teacher position. She got a hold of me this morning and wanted to interview me - today if possible.  I went out there this afternoon and I believe I have the job. They said they hoped they would be working with me soon; since the process involved them emailing the district and asking for them to hire me. They told me I should hear back on Monday.

The real meat-and-potatoes adventure may be beginning very soon!